A few days ago

help on my US history hw?

i need to write a 2 page essay about ……………… how did the discovery and the subsequent colonization of the new world changed the lives of the europeans, the native americans, and the africans…………………………….. how did these three groups affect each other………… i need to know pros and cons

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Pros–Each of the groups got to experience new things they have never seen before. Native Americans got to use weapons such as guns, artillery, and hand crafted tools. Europeans got to grow different agriculture than what they are used to such as corn, wheat products, and the farming of pigs and hunting of wild animals for food. They also shared in the learnings of different cultures ie. dress, greetings, music, religion.

Cons–When Europeans decided to colonize the New World, Native Americans were forced to sign treaties saying that they could live in a small segregated area far from their homeland. With more and more land being colonized, Native Americans were pushed farther and farther west. This let to revolts against Native Americans and Europeans, and also NA against other NA tribes. The fight for land led to a devastation of a lot of the areas natural resources ie. water, trees, crops, and animal populations. The Europeans pretty much took hold of everything and used the NA as slaves or killed them off to gain control of the land.

Hope this helps.