A few days ago

Help me!!???

Can anyone give me a general idea of the role of man in the Renaissance with respect to individualism, antiquity, learning, reform, and worldliness

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A few days ago

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The Renaissance started in Italy and spread. The church was becoming curropt and many were seeking their own answers. In painting and the like there was a certain respect for antiquity, that is, the Roman culture. Painting became even more popular with the invention of oil paints. Universities were established and education was of key importance. Writers started writing in vernacular, whereas before they would only write in Latin, the word of the educated man. Now that books were made in the common tongue, more people could read. And now books were written about all sorts of things- philosophy, pleasure, self-discovery, etc, while before then they were only about religion. Many church officials were out of touch with the public, and the citizens called for reform in the church, but a wave of humanism had struck, and religion was dissappearing from daily life. At one time the church was the center of daily life, but now the center was man. The idea was that man shaped his own destiny. This time gave rise to Copernicus, Erasmus, and others. Keep in mind that only the upper class were affected. The working class was too busy to concern themselves with such matters.

In summary:

Individualism- man shaped his own destiny, man could find truth without the church

Antiquity- Philosophy was on the rise, and Roman influence was visable in art

Learning- Universities were established, more people could read