A few days ago

help again please my homework if to hard for me?

Suppose you have sales of $3000. Would you perfer a commission of 15% or would you perfer to be paid $425? Justify your answer.

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago
tini marie (=

Favorite Answer

15% it’s $450

A few days ago
old lady
Here’s the easy way to solve that problem. You know that anything expressed in percentage is really a fraction over 100.

To find the value of that percentage, put a dot in front of the first number. If there is only one number in the percentage, for example 5%, you have to write it as .05

If there are two numbers, as you have in 15%, you write it as .15

Then you multiply that by the number you are trying to find the percentage of. In this case, you will multiply $3,000 by .15

The number is actually 3000.00 (because it is money you are dealing with, there are dollars and cents involved. And when you are doing the multiplication, you need to have all the appropriate spaces accounted for.

So — multiply 3000.00 by .15

Now add up the decimal spaces you have (the number of spaces after the decimal point) which, in this case, is four. So you count four spaces from the LEFT hand side of the number and put your decimal point in there.

That will tell you what 15% of $3000 is, and you can judge for yourself whether you would rather have that or the $425.

Just as a quick check – you know that 10% of $3000 is $300 (you can do this math in your head) and half of $300 is 150, so when you add them together you will have a way of double checking your math.


A few days ago
I’d prefer 15%. Why?

3000 * 15% = Your commission. It equals out to 450.

450 > 425.


A few days ago
Well, I’m not going to do it for you, but I will explain to you how to do it. First, you need to work out which commission amount is more. So work out 15% of 3000. See if this amount is higher or lower than 425. You will obviously want to be paid the higher wage. & there you have it.

A few days ago
$3000 x .15 = $450 so this would be the better deal–more money than $425

A few days ago
For every $1.00 you sell, you get 15 cents. So take 3000.00 x.15.. Compare the result to the $425.00.

I do not have to justify the fact that I would take the commission. Note that there is a decimal point in front of the 15.


A few days ago
Laura S
15% of $3000 is $450. I would rather get 15% because that is more money. What grade are you in? i’m in 7th.