A few days ago

geometry help!?

A regular pyramid has a base area of 6sqrt3, a base perimeter of 12 in., and a slant height of 4sqrt3 in. Its surface area is ??

thats all i know, how do you figure it out?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Hey Kid,

if a is side of base, then 4a = 12, a = 3

we have 4 triangles, each of base = 3, and height = 6sqrt3

area of 4 traingles = 4* 1/2 * 3 * 6sqrt(3) = 36sqrt(3)

Total area = 36sqrt(3)+4sqrt(3) = 40* sqrt(3) …ANSWER


A few days ago
Surface Area = B + 1/2 * P * s

B = base area

P = perimeter of the base

s = slant height

Surface Area = 6sqrt3 + 1/2 * 12 * 4sqrt3

= 6sqrt3 + 24sqrt3

= 30sqrt3

I think SR (the above answer) is confused with the formula, and he forgets that a regtangle is not necessarily a square.


A few days ago
emily day
look at these and scroll down to pyramid:


