A few days ago

Essay/Journal Question?

I can’t really think of what to write?

It sort of asking(pick one)

-has jealousy caused problems for you

-being honest created a conflict in your life

-emotions has affected your decisions

– have you or someone judged someone unfairly

I mean i couldn’t think of an event that would be enough for a two paged typed paper.

Can anyone give some suggestions?


Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I am faced this problem often when I write. Here is what I do:

1. Pick one (for instance jealousy)

2. Then write a list of all the times you’ve been jealous (for instance of someones boyfriend, someone better than you, etc.)

3. Write about that in a short like give support of it

4. Write a rough draft

5. Reread it and see if there is anything to add to make it longer.

6. Proofread it and see if there are any better words to use to make it sound better.

7. Rewrite your paper and turn it in.

I hope this helps if it doesn’t I apologize that works for me sometimes… good luck writing your paper.


A few days ago
Sometimes you just have to make up stories. Not every one goes through these emotions.

You can write a two page essay about how honesty is not always the best policy. You can make up a story and spend half a page describing that story and the consequence of that story in your life.


A few days ago
use them all?


sorry if i wasnt much of a help

