Essay Help?

Does anyone have any good ideas for an imaginary essay? could you say the beginning plot and ending and maybe write a little of what you think it should go like? thanks.
Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Like an essay about something imaginary?

These ideas came to mind:

Dream vacation

Dream job

If you were a famous author (like JK Rowling)

If you were an orphan

If you were an only child/ had a ton of siblings

If you were a queen or princess (this one could be fun-like a modern fairy tale, sort of)

Lived on a farm

Lived in the city

Didn’t have to go to school

If soceity didn’t ever progress: we stayed in the caveman age OR

If soceity suddenly flashed back to the caveman age: how would we live?

Stranded on an island

Experiencing something in history (time-traveling)

Meeting a your idol

Meeting a famous dead person (like Ben Franklin)

You’re suddenly transported into your favorite TV show, like LOST or something. What do you do?

Everything is backwards, or upside down. How do you cook breakfast, etc.?

My favorites are the soceity flashing back to the caveman age and being a princess (the second would be pretty easy to write).

My versions of my two favorites:

The slow, dying wind of November greets me as I step out the door. The orange trees shake, leaving their trail of leaves fluttering through the air. I shiver, grab the paper, and rush inside.

The news is on, blaring as it always does, so Gramps can hear. Even in my bedroom, I can hear the weatherman exclaim over how chilly it is for Thanksgiving. “You’re going to want to turn on your heaters as you cook your turkeys,” he says.

~This is where I’m going to stop it for you. Maybe all the heaters going at once trigger a power outage so huge it sends the whole world into the caveman age. Or maybe it’s back in 2000, and Y2K happens and we’re sent back in time. Who knows. It’s up to you.~

My lopsided crown hangs over bangs of gold, as the crowd whistles and applauds. “Thanks,” I say. Mother (I mean, The Queen) glares at me. I quickly correct myself.

“Thank you for joining me on this lovely evening,” I announce.

~You get the picture. Just have a fun time with it.~

Note: I wrote these kind of fast, so the writing isn’t great (or even good). So don’t base your story completely on what I wrote.

A few days ago

If you mean a story, try something futuristic because those are always fun and easy to make up because you can implement any ideas into it.

Mark and Tom were two mischievous twins living on Jupiter with famous parents for their discoveries in blah blah blah.

Mark and Tom were running away from the forcefielded play pen they were put in by their parents and hid in a room which they didn’t notice was a spaceship going to Mars…