A few days ago

English HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

when do use a colon?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A colon is used in two situations only: firstly to preface an improtant statement or definition (like I’ve just done), and secondly in front of an important quotation. For example: Mr Bush said: we’ll stay in Eye-rack till hell freezes over.

A semi colon is used in place of a conjunction, for example: I came to the door; no-one was home. Here the semi-colon is used instead of the word ‘but’. The other use of the semi-colon is to separate items in a list where a comma causes ambiguity. For excample: Present were: Jim, the teacher, Tom, his uncle, the butcher and Dave. Is Jim a teacher? Is Tom another guy or is he the uncle? we cant tell. So we write: Present were: Jim; the teacher; Tom, his uncle; the butcher and Dave. Now we know for sure that Jim is a teacher and that he the uncle’s name is Tom.


A few days ago
colon are use at the end of an independent clause to introduce a list or series. Example: Many colon errors would be avoided if only people would remember this one rule: Colons are almost never used except at the end of an independent clause

See the colon at rule:


A few days ago
This site gives you a detailed list. Hope it helps.



A few days ago
When your man says he wants to go through the back door.

A few days ago
to add more to a sentence