A few days ago
Sarah S

desperate for help?

At the intersection of 3rd and Main Streets, Sareeta makes a 110 degrees turn from Main onto 3rd. Tyrone, behind her, makes a left turn onto 3rd. If 3rd and Main are straight lines, what is the angle measure of his turn? could someone please explain this to me? thanks..

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
dats p

Favorite Answer

First, you did not elaborate what direction Sareeta turned, left or right? If Sareeta turned right, then Tyrone turned 70 degrees. But if Sareeta turned left, tyrone turned 110 degrees, too.

When two lines intersect, it form 2 pairs of opposite and equal angles.

Assuming angle A = 110 degrees (where Sareeta turne) and angle B is opposite of angle A, therefore,

Angle B = 110 degrees

1 revolution = 360 degrees, therefore, the sum ot the two remaining opposite and equal angles is 360-(110×2) = 140.

Assuming angle C and D are the other pair of angle, their sum is equal to 140, and since they are equal, we devide it by 2 so that each angle measures 70 degrees.


A few days ago
if they were both turning at right angles that would be 90 degrees. Sareeta is making 90 degrees plus 20 degrees more so if Tyrone is turning the opposite way his turn would be 90 degrees minus 20 degrees. you’ll know your answer is correct because when you add the angles of the 2 turns together you will get 180 degrees which is a straight line that is the road they are both now on.

A few days ago
uh?? It’s late here but it seems to me that amongst all the filler, both Sareeta and Tyrone are going the same direction and the one in front turns into 3rd, then the one following also turns into 3rd.

Since the first one makes a 110 degrees turn , then also the second one makes a 110 degrees turn.