A few days ago

could you help me Urgent!!?

Nicola Ray Schoenfeld

was born in boise, Idaho on may 6th, 1992 into a family consistin of herself her mom and dad and her two brothers one which being a step brother. She likes to be called nicki and she still remains in the same school district and on her free time she likes to read and hang out with her friends. All through middle school at both Lewis and Clark and Lowel Scott and her high school years at Centennial high school her favorite sport has still remained at Basketball she likes it because she is good at it and her team is great and amazing. She likes it when she makes baskets. When she is in a game she usually plays the coner position. When it comes to restraurants; her favorite is Golden corall because there is so many things to eat. Nicki loves to shop when ever she can.

could you help me put this into paragraphs and correct my errors and write a introduction Remeber a chance at 10 points

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

What was the assignment? Do you know how to write complete sentences and spell check documents? Think of an essay and paragraphs like your silverware drawer. You have the knives, spoons, and forks separated. You don’t put socks in the silverware drawer.

Writing is like that. The essay needs to be about one thing (that’s the drawer) and each paragraph should be about one subtopic (the knives, forks, and spoons).

Think about the information you have. Some is about her life, some is about her interests, and some is about her favorites. Group the similar information together. Then write a topic sentence that prepares the reader for each section.

Your introduction should reflect the assignment. Your thesis should be the points you are sharing about Nicki.