A few days ago

Can you help me solve these word problems?

In the period of a year, and investor lost twice as much as he gained. If he originally had $10,000 and now has $8,000,what amount did he gain and what did he loose?

Two planes leave Chicago–one traveling due east and the other due west.The first travels 100 miles per hour faster than the second.How long will it be until they are 2,000 miles apart?(To me it seems like there is not enough info to solve but I could be wrong)

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

x = gain

2x = loss

10,000 + x – 2x = 8,000

10,000 – x = 8,000

-x = -2,000

x = 2,000

gain $2,000 ; loss $4,000


x = speed of 2nd

x + 100 = speed of 1st

y = time for both

xy + (x + 100)y = 2000

(x + x + 100)y = 2000

(2x + 100)y = 2000

(x + 50)y = 1000

I think you are right. Something seems to be missing.


A few days ago
Sol 1:

Let the gain be x $ and loss be $ y

So according to the question

10000 + gain – loss = 8000

10000 + x – 2x = 8000

10000 – x = 8000

x = 10000 – 8000 = 2000

Therefore the gain was $2000 and loss was $4000

Sol 2:

One bit of information is missing. Either speed should be specified or the time taken to cover this distance should be given


A few days ago
math guy
1) He lost 4000 and gained 2000 for a net loss of 2000

2) You are right — there isn’t enough information given.

Use the formula: distance = rate * time

distance = 2000 miles

rate of second = x

rate of first = x + 100

total rate = 2x + 100

time = t

2000 = (2x+100)*t

Two unknowns (two variables) means that we need a second equation to solve, but there isn’t any more information given.


A few days ago
for the first one might be this


2,000 X 2= 4,000

12, 000-4,000= $8,000

for the second

the formual for speed is s=d/t

ill keep working at it