A few days ago

can you give me the meaning of thermal expansion and its example?

i need the meaning of thermal expansion in chemistry and its example


Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

most substances expand on heating and contract on cooling. this is known as expansion. some examples are-

1 telephone cables sag during summer

2 railway tracks are provided with expansion slots

3 a tight bottle lid can be loosened by running hot water on the lid etc.


A few days ago
Stephen W
hi !

when you heat something up it expands. if you could measure a pot of water as you heat it ,it would get a little fuller

another example.

some engines have cylinder sleeves. you cant put them in the engine because the size is to close.

so you put the sleeves a freezer to shrink them.

you cant see that they shrunk but with a micrometer you can measure it .after you put them in the engine they warm up and expand so they fit tight.

a simple test to show you. fill a glass jar with water

and put the lid on tight. now put the jar in a plastic bag. place the bag in the freezer after the water freezes ith jar should break. that’s from the water expanding.

water is the only thing that expands when it gets colder. everything else shrinks


A few days ago
christine w
thermal expansion is the tendency of matter to increase in volume or pressure when heated.

A few days ago
below is a website you can look at for the answer.