A few days ago

can u help me wit dis math problem? please explain every step and show work (bro i feel like a teacher)?

the washington monument built in memory of george washington, is 169.29 meters high at its tip. on the day jason and him familyvisited the monument, it cast a shadow 115.5 meters long. at that time, wat was the distance from the tip of the monument to the tip of the shadow. round ure answer to the nearest meter

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer


Pythagorean theorum — A^2 + B^2 = C^2

It takes like two seconds….do it yourself


A few days ago
You use the pythagorean theorem to answer this question. The pythagorean theorem is a(Squared) + b(Squared) = c(Squared). The shadow and the building forms a right triangle.

The building can be a, and the building is 169.29 meters high. The shadow can be the bottom, and can be b, and the shadow is 115.5 meters long. You have to then do the pythagorean theorem, 169.29(169.29) + 115.5(115.5) = C(Squared). 169.29(169.29) = 28,659.1041. 115.5(115.5) = 13,340.25. Then you just add 28,659.1041 + 13,340.25 = 41,999.3541. You then find the square root of 41,999.3541, and that equals 204.93. You then round your answer to the nearest meter, so it’s 205 meters.

So, the distance from the tip of the monument to the tip of the shadow is 205 meters.

This is a very easy question, with a very simple formula. All you have to do is use A^2 + B^2 = C^2. (In case you don’t know, the ^ sign means squared) It takes like, 15 seconds if you work it in a calculator. The easiest way to do it on paper is to draw a picture. The building is the left side of the right triangle, and the shadow is like the bottom of a right triangle. You then have to find the hypotnuse (The diagnol side).

Sorry if this is a bit confusing, but I explained it step by step, so it shouldn’t be too hard to comprehend. Good luck with your homework, and take care.


A few days ago
Use the Pythagorean Theorem for this. Take the square of the height, and add the square of the length of the shadow. Then find the square root of that sum, and that’s your answer.

A few days ago
According to Pythagoras Theorom,

in a right triangleABC,

AB2 +BC2=AC2


square root=204.937m



A few days ago
Bro, you sound like a cheater!