A few days ago

Can anyone list 5 facts about the witchcraft trials in Salim Massachusetts during the 1500s?

please help i dont know anything

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The evidence required to convict an alleged witch varied from country to country – but prosecutions everywhere were most frequently sparked off by denunciations, while convictions invariably required a confession. The latter was often obtained by extremely violent methods.

“In York, England, at the height of the Great Hunt (1567–1640) one half of all witchcraft cases brought before church courts were dismissed for lack of evidence. No torture was used, and the accused could clear himself by providing four to eight “compurgators”, people who were willing to swear that he wasn’t a witch. Only 21% of the cases ended with convictions, and the Church did not impose any kind of corporal or capital punishment

a 23-strong body (the grand jury) to indict and a 12-strong one (the petit jury) to convict, always had a restraining effect on prosecutions

reasons to why they would thing you were a witch: * The diabolical mark. Usually, this was a mole or a birthmark. If no such mark was visible, the examiner would claim to have found an invisible mark.

* Diabolical pact. This was an alleged pact with Satan to perform evil acts in return for rewards.

* Denouncement by another witch. This was common, since the accused could often avoid execution by naming accomplices.

* Relationship with other convicted witch/witches

* Blasphemy

* Participation in Sabbaths

* To cause harm that could only be done by means of sorcery

* Possession of elements necessary for the practice of black magic

* To have one or more witches in the family

* To be afraid during the interrogatories

* Not to cry under torment (supposedly by means of the Devil’s aid)

* To have had sexual relationships with a demon

The most common death sentence was to be burnt at the stake while still alive. In England it was common to hang the person first and then burn the corpse, a practice adopted sometimes in other countries (in many cases the hanging was replaced by strangling). Drowning was sometimes used as a means of execution.

anyway i hope you can put somthing together with that


A few days ago
Enchanted Gypsy
#1 the witch trials occurred in 1692. NOT THE 1500s

#2 The girls that did the accusing got 2 things out of it

By having so called fits they got out of doing work around the home and farm and they got a lot of attention.

#3 Some of the initial “fits” may have been caused by ergot poisoning. possible evidence for this is one DOG was hung!

#4 If someone was accused of being a witch all their property & posessions went to the “politicans” of the time (sherrif, judge etc)

#5 One accused witch, Giles Corey was crushed to death with stones never confessing witchcraft because he knew if he did not confess they could not take his property from his family.

You realize that most of this can be found by doing a little research on your own and notexpecting someone to do your homework for you don’t you?