A few days ago

Can anyone help me with this problem? x^2+xy+y^2=4 I need to get it to y=mx+b format.?

Getting it to y=mx+b format isn’t the answer I need for my assignment, just one step. If no one can help I will just wait till class tomorrow. Thanks.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The equation you give is quadratic in x and y. y = mx + b is a linear equation. You can’t put the one into the other form.

4 years ago
To get the slope (m) you come across the version bewtweeen your y-values and place them on suitable of the version between your x values (y2-y1)/ (x2-x1) = 6-(-3) / -4-(-8) = 9/4 Then to get the y-intercept you plug the m and the x and y values into the equation y=mx+b 6= (9/4)(-4)+b 6= -9+b then upload b= 15 So your equation of the line may be y = (9/4)x + 15 To double verify you may continuously placed your x factor values the place the x is in the equation and discover if the y values adventure y= (9/4)x + 15 (9/4)(-8)+15= -3 <---they adventure

A few days ago
This may be way wrong, but i think it works as follows:

x^2 + xy + y^2 = 4

y^2 = 4 – x^2 – xy

y^2 = 4 – x(x + y)

y = square root of [-x(x+y) + 4]

-x is your slope and + 4 is the y-intercept, I think. It’s certainly not pretty.


A few days ago
gab BB
x^2 + xy + y^2 = 4

y^2 = 4 – x^2 – xy

y^2 = 4 – x(x + y)

y = √[-x(x+y) + 4]