A few days ago

can anyone help me get these answers?

As part of their homework assignment, Thu and Sabrina each found equations from a table of data relating miles and kilometers. One entry in the table paired 150 kilometers and 93 miles. From this pair of data values, Thu and Sabrina wrote different equations.

1.Thu wrote the equation y=1.61x. How did he get it? What does 1.61 repersent?What do x and y repersent?

2.Sabrina wrote y=0.62x as her euation. How did she get it? What does 0.62 repersent? What do x and y repersent?

3. Whose equation would you use to convert miles to kilometers?

4.When would you use the other student’s equation?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Thu used the method of converting miles to kilometers


1.61=(the number of kilos in a mile)


and Sabrina used the reverse she converted kilos into miles.

so the answer to quest. #3 is thu’s equation

and #4 to convert the othere way