A few days ago
Preeth U

Can anyone give me two examples for each of the following: (1)Pure Research (2)Applied Research?

Can anyone give me two examples for each of the following: (1)Pure Research (2)Applied Research?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I disagree. Pure research has application to “real life,” and does impact the “real world,” just not in the same way that applied research does.

I like the way some of the articles below describe pure and applied research.

Pure research is “research made without any idea of application to industrial matters but solely with the view of extending our knowledge of the Laws of Nature.” So it applies to “real life” in the sense that it extends our knowledge about the universe. Pure research can also, eventually, indirectly impact the “real world” because results of pure research can then be used for applied research. Examples of pure research would be: determining the gravitational constant in the “law of universal gravitation,” developing linear algebra and calculus theories to extend our knowledge of mathematics, etc.

Where applied research “is the application of knowledge from one or more natural scientific fields [pure research] to solving practical problems.” Examples of applied research would be: using linear algebra and calculus to design and develop the computer you’re using, using the law of gravity to design a slope of a roller coaster that isn’t so steep that it kills people, etc.


4 years ago
Examples Of Pure Research

A few days ago
Research can also be divided into pure research and applied research. Pure research has no application on real life (such as time travel), whereas applied research attempts to influence the real world (developing computers, etc..).

NOTE: The examples are based on my understanding of the topic.


5 years ago
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