A few days ago

Can anyone give me three reasons that makes a book a good work of history?

Can anyone give me three reasons that makes a book a good work of history?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
victor 7707

Favorite Answer

Source, the research verify it, and the many ways people may percieve it.

What looks like facts to some looks like blasphemy to others.


A few days ago
Civis Romanus
A good non-fictional work of history would base its research on primary sources (as much as possible) and secondary sources (if necessary). It would provide notes, a bibliography, maps, photographs (for recent history), and facsimiles of original documents.

A primary source would be a letter, photograph, art, or other document from the period or by the person concerned. A secondary source would be later research using such items.

Sources must always be examined for bias. Does the source have an agenda — a particular slant, an ax to grind? The author of the historical work must also consider whether he or she has such a bias, and make adjustments to correct it.

Fiction can be a useful look of history if it is based on sound research and documentation, and if it provides an objective, unbiased, balanced look at a historical period or personality.


A few days ago
1. A lot of people have read it and will remember it

2. You can look deeper into the book and probably find the meaning of life. 🙂

3. It talks about things which will never go out of fashion, e.g love, hate, money etc.


A few days ago
1.Awarded literary prizes (ex. Pulitzer)

2.A very good seller (You’d have to consider the mayhem

over Harry Potter literary history)

3.The author is dead.