A few days ago

Can anyone give me a good introduction about the topic self-esteem?

Can anyone give me a good introduction about the topic self-esteem?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Self-esteem is a huge part of the individuals’ identity and has a huge impact on our day to day living. Our self-esteem is an important ingredient to the recipe of success in various areas of life; which is probably why confidence is so widely encouraged.One will find that most egomaniacs are highly successful in terms of their career. Self-esteem is a very complex topic to discuss, but as it is so interesting i am going to attempt to explore it a little, bearing two questions in mind. What factors influence our self-esteems established?

What factors are influenced by our self-esteem?


A few days ago
The topic of self esteem is both a very interesting and very diverse one. Of course we know that many people suffer from low self esteem and I will explore this fact. I will also explore the effect that your self esteem and the self esteem of others will have on the daily lives of those around us…

just an idea


A few days ago
As humans, we all have a self-esteem. Our level of self esteem reflects our own behavior and the peers in our community. Ity significantly deals with the matter of how we want to handle it ourselves. Self-esteem mostly describes what our personalities are viewed.

A few days ago
Self-esteem is defined as how we view ourselves.