A few days ago

Can anyone explain this problum step by step to me? 1/4[3-2(y+1)]-1/3[2-(y-6)]?

Can anyone explain this problum step by step to me? 1/4[3-2(y+1)]-1/3[2-(y-6)]?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

ok, you have to use the Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.

P stands for parenthesis:

1/4[3-2y+2]-1/3[2-y-6] — Bassically, i distributed the 2 and got rid of the parenthesis. Now, you have to simplify.

1/4[5-2y] – 1/3[-y-4] There, now we distribute the 1/4 and 1/3 to simplify and get out the remaining parenthesis(or the brackets in our case)

[5/4-1/2y] – [-1/3y-4/3] — now to sum it all up: combine like terms, but first lets get some common denomenators:

[15/12-3/6y] – [-2/6y-16/12] — just made it simple by making the integers both have a denomenator of 12, and the variables to have a denominator of 6. Let’s finish now:

31/12 – 1/6y — Now that should be your answer, hope this helped!!


A few days ago




um.. you can do the math form here./..