A few days ago

Can anybody help me with my self-image speech?

I understand you dont know me, so you cant tell if these items REALLY portray me but here’s the jist of what Im going to say. Just want some input on that, if this sounds like it’ll do. Thank You for the help!


1. Must collect 5 items (only) of special significance to place in the box or container that reflect your self-image. These items should be symbolic of important aspects of the speaker’s life, not just things you like – e.g. pictures, awards, souvenirs, etc. Collect diverse objects that will provide a more interesting speech and in-depth look at your self-image.

– My skateboard (It’s in a sense my way of art, I enjoy skating. Its relieving, always has a stategy, and keeps me in shape. )

-My frisbree (Another hobby other than skating is disc-golf. I enjoy playing with friends or alone. Its a time to think, and relax and forget the world for a bit.)

Hobbies are IMPORTANT to me, they KEEP me from falling for bad habits- Drugs/Alcohol

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
William R

Favorite Answer

Do these items actually have to be physically in this box?

It sounds as if you looked around your room and picked the handiest items.

If items can be in this box out of your mind, that is to say, only thought of and written down, then you can do better.