A few days ago

Beowulf questions?

1.How does Unferth Challenge beowulf?

2.What is the purpose of his claim? (like, how is it meant to hurt beowulf)

3. Why does unferth feel the need to challenge Beowulf?

(^ is it cause he’s jealous?)

4/how does Beowulf respons to the challenge?

5.What does beowulf’s response say about his character?

Can someone PLEASE help?? I dont understand this story at all…

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

try here for help: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unferth

A few days ago
Did you read the book? It has been over 20 years since I have read the story of Beowulf. And I don’t want to quote too much which will give you an answer which is not complete. Isn’t what you are asking considered to be plagiarism.

A few days ago
i don’t know about challenge, but he calls beowulf out about how he lost a challenge to another guy.

it was to shame him, an insult

yeah, unferth is kinda jealous, he wants glory, Beowulf is already famous.

Beowulf responds with something like “i lost that contest because i had to fight some seamonsters while i was swimming, while holding Brecca(the guy he was racing), and i’ve heard about you, Unferth, you killed your brother(or cousin, i forgot)

his response shows Beowulf is still glorious, he’s still the “big boy”
