A few days ago

Are their tectonic plates under land masses? for example The United states? and are they under ALL land masses

Are their tectonic plates under land masses? for example The United states? and are they under ALL land masses

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Kraig P

Favorite Answer

The Tectonic Plates are under the entire surface of the Earth. Land and Sea . Most of the Tectonic Plates are named for the Continent that rests above it

A few days ago
there are tectonic plates under every single bit of the earth’s crust. both land masses and oceans. wherever tectonic plates meet you have one of two things. one plate slides under the other. like in the pacific coast. or the plates are spreading apart from each other. like the mid Atlantic ridge.

A few days ago
yes when they move they cause earthquakes…yeah…most definatley

A few days ago
yes. yes and yes.