A few days ago

Are Physics Real?

is there a such thing as physics if there is is there a free one online that you can give me the link too thanks!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You mean “psychics” I think.

Personally, I have no belief in them.

It’s all a mind game nowadays.

They tend to work off of what you act/look/talk/seem like.

If you’re going for like, “Ghost Whisperer”ness. That doesn’t work either.

They fake it all. It’s just a scam usually, or just for the “thrill”.


A few days ago
Yes- physics are real. Ride your bike and try to stop–that motion that you feel and the fact that you don’t stop the second you touch the brake is physics ‘things in motion tend to stay in motion’. Fire a gun-feel the kick-physics ‘for every action their is an opposite and equal reaction’

A few days ago
That makes no sense. Yes, physics exists, but it’s not something to be given or whatever.

A few days ago
kelly Speedgo
Do you mean physcics,as in the people who tell youre fortunes n stuff?