A few days ago

Any one knows the world map really well?

Come someone please help me with my assignment!

1. Can you name a place where trade has historically occured?

2. What place has cultural diffusion occurs?

3. what place has human rights are or have been violated?

thanks for your help, i need this to get started on an essay.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1. Trade happens anywhere in the world. But if you want a specific example, the Silk Trade once flourished in China.

2. Again, cultural diffusion happens all over the world. One good example of cultural diffusion is language. From its origins in England, the English language has now become the world lingua franca. Another good example of cultural diffusion is religion. Three of the greatest religions in the world – Christianity, Islam and Judaism – began in the Middle East. But now they have adherents around the world.

3. Again, human rights are or have been violated all over the world, even in the most advanced countries such as the US. But recently, China has come under heav fire for allegedly trampling on the people’s rights, such as the right to information (the Internet there, I believe, is heavily censored by authorities).

Advice: I suggest you narrow down your topic. It’s so broad you can’t discuss anything substantially. Unless that’s what your instructor wants.


A few days ago
1. China was a big place where trade occurred, especially along a path called the ‘Silk Road’ which was actually THE trade route during the time. This is the reason that Columbus even ventured out into the sea, to find a quicker route to the Indies and China.

2. Once again, the Silk Road. This is because Europeans, Indians, and the Chinese all gathered here to sell goods. However, if you want a different answer from number 1, you could go with the US. With illegal immigration occuring now, the slave trade, and the immigration in late 1800s and early 1900s from Europe, the US has always been culturally diffused.

3. India (look into Gandi and Nehru) would be a good region. Also is the famous Germany during Hitler’s reign, and you can even look into Darfur now.

Good luck!


A few days ago
Not sure if your looking for a city, state, or country? Also are you looking for three different places, or one place with all three of your listed requirements.

As a city, there are hundreds with all three requirements. Istanbul, Turkey is just one.

As a state, there are many of these also, try the former states of the Soviet Union, now on their own.

As a nation or country again there are so many, even the United States.


A few days ago
June Amscor
You don’t need a world map, what you need is a time line or any history books.


1. Europe to Asia.

Hope this helps~


A few days ago
I can’t even find the USA on the map!

A few days ago
Batista Rules!!!

