A few days ago

answer urgently – comparison between non-human and human organisms – thanks in advance fro your answer?

answer urgently – comparison between non-human and human organisms – thanks in advance fro your answer?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Here is a webpage with all the vital info: (remove all spaces from the link or it won’t work)

http://www.project2061.org/ publications/bsl/ online/ch6/ch6.htm

I’m sure if you look in your textbook, it will define the characteristics of a human, and the characteristics of non-human organisms (this includes plants and animals) so that you can plainly list the differences, but as the webpage above explains, humans have some very unique qualities:

“As similar as human beings are in many ways to other species, we are unique among the earth’s life forms in our ability to use language and thought. Having evolved a large and complex brain, our species has a facility to think, imagine, create, and learn from experience that far exceeds that of any other species. We have used this ability to create technologies and literary and artistic works on a vast scale and to develop a scientific understanding of ourselves and the world.

We are also unique in our profound curiosity about ourselves: How are we put together physically? How were we formed? How do we relate biologically to other life forms and to our ancestors? How are we as individuals like or unlike other humans? How can we stay healthy? Much of the scientific endeavor focuses on such questions.”

Best wishes to you!


4 years ago
exciting thougths, yet i don’t comprehend my cat, and neither do i comprehend ants, or sharks, or squids. So going by ability of your theory, then God does not comprehend me, that’s amazingly accessible i think. I agree, that if there have been a God, then we could not start to comprehend the character of that God. How could desire to we start to comprehend the character of an all-powerful being? i don’t even comprehend my own nature diverse the time, or the human beings around me, and that i dont comprehend why i’m right here or what, precisely, i’m. And why do you think of that animals have not got a spirit? Animals are spirit creatures too.. havent you walked with the aid of a woodland at night? 😉 all of the terrific, zag