A few days ago

Another Easy French Question?

In passe compose you take the verb (example esperer = hope) and in this case use avoir. I know the difference in when to use avoir and when to use etre.

So since esperer is an -er verb to conjigated it so it would be in passe compose, you would take off ther -er, leaving you with: esper (the stem).

My question is: Do you form your ending by depeding on the subject (je, tu, il/elle, nous, avez, ils/elles)


its the same for ever subject like :

For -er you always add an “é” no matter what the subject is

For -ir you always add an “i” no matter what the subject is

For -re you always add an “u” no matter what the subject is

is that true??

So using your example is it ok to say :

J’ai espéré

Tu as espéré

Il a espéré

Is that correct to do that???

Also fem. subjects: elle do you have to add an extra “e”?

Elle a espérée ???

For plural subjects Nous, avez, ils/ells do you have to add and “s” ??

Nous avons espérés

Vous avez espérés

Ils on espérés??

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The verb must agree with the pronoun and for future reference in French to make it plural such as nous, vous, and ils/elles you don’t just add an ‘s’ that’s in English. En francais it would be nous: ons, vous: ez, and ils/ elles: ant/ ent depending upon the word. And there are other things to consider as well if the word is irregular like avoir, etre, aller, and so on.

A few days ago
For plural subjects Nous, avez, ils/ells do you have to add and “s” ??

Nous avons espérés

Vous avez espérés

Ils on espérés??

Answer: NO! Only add “s” for reflective verbs or when your using etre.

For -er you always add an “é” no matter what the subject is

For -ir you always add an “i” no matter what the subject is

For -re you always add an “u” no matter what the subject is

Answer: Only for reguler verbs their are some irregular verbs which do not follow these rules.


A few days ago

Je sais pas si on doit parler en français ou en anglais..bon tu as pose ta question en anglais alors je vais te respondre en anglais…There are some verbs in French that need to be formed with an “é” at the end.

For example: aller ou venir

je suis venu(e)

tu es venu(e)

il est venu / elle est venue

nous sommes venus (es)

vous êtes venus (es)

ils sont venus / elles sont venues

je suis allé (ée)

tu es allé (ée)

il est allé / elle est allée

nous sommes allés (ées)

vous êtes allés (ées)

ils sont allés /elles sont allées

Et voilà….