A few days ago

Algebra with percentage calculation. What am I doing wrong?

Your coworker’s weekly paycheck is 30 percent more than yours. Your two paychecks total 943 dollars. Find the amount of each paycheck.

My first instinct was to find the value of 1 of the paychecks. I did 943/2 = 471.5. Since the other person gets 30% more than that, 471.5(.3) + 471.5 = 612.95.

I feel like I’m misinterpreting the question but I have no idea why it’s wrong. Any ideas?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Dominic D

Favorite Answer

lets see what you did…

you divided by 2 (two checks)…

then you added 30% to one of them.

if you add 471.5 and 612.95… you get over $1080 which is more than the original total!!!

you increased half of the total by 30%.


you make: x

your friend makes 30% more than you: x + 0.3x = 1.3 x

TOGETHER you make $943

so: x + 1.3x = 2.3x = $943




A few days ago
Here’s how I attacked it:

First, let x be the amount of your paycheck.

Now, since x is your paycheck, your coworker’s paycheck would need to be 30 percent more than that. In order to do that, you need to take multiply x by .30 and then add that back to x. Does that make sense? You do that because it is 30 percent higher than your paycheck. So, first you have to figure 30 percent of your paycheck (which is x) and then add that to x. So the other person’s check would be (x + .30x)

So, since both paychecks total to 943, you get

X + (.30X + X) = 943

Now solve for x, and you get

x = 410

30 percent of 410 comes out to be 123. So, that means that the other person’s check is 410 + 123 = 533

Check it by adding the two check values together, you get

410 + 533 = 943 (which agrees with the original problem)

Did you understand how I did that? E-mail me at [email protected] if I can answer anything else.

Hope that helps.


A few days ago
If you assign a variable to the value of your paycheck, the problem will be easier. Call the lower paycheck’s value “x”

The math would then be done as follows:


(the reason for the (x+.3x) is that your coworker’s paycheck is 30 percent more than yours, so you need to account for that in the math)

so if you add, 2.3x=943

the divide by 2.3


so your paycheck would be 410 dollars

since the total of the two paychecks is 943, subtract your paycheck from the total to get the amount of your coworker’s paycheck


Your paycheck is $410. Your coworker’s paycheck is $533.


A few days ago
Heather W
“Your two paychecks total 943 dollars.”

That means the total of your and the coworker’s paychecks, not two of your paychecks. Reading how you tried to solve it, I think that’s where you went wrong. 🙂


A few days ago
Cider Sid
X + Y = 943

Y = 1.3X

X + 1.3X = 943

X (1 + 1.3) = 943

X = 943/2.3

X = 410

Y = 1.3 * 410 = 533


A few days ago
i think ur righ tbu ti no thre is another way…but i cant quite pull it outta my mind sorry but ihtink ur right