A few days ago

advice on a news project–plz help?

i have a project due that requires me to watch a tv news cast on a story and read about the same story in a newspaper and see how the two stories are different. now ive been sick for the last week and i just found out about it from a friend, and he jus gave me the worksheet. so i have not looked at the news recently or read the newspaper, so is there a way where i can reach an online paper of some sort that allows me to read previous days news? anything is good.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Not sure where you are or what would be relevant to you.

WWW.azcentral.com has both recent newspaper for Arizona and our Chanel 12 news casts for recent stories. Archived stories require purchase. However, I would recommend looking at something like one nationally located newspaper and then look at a separately owned newscaster. Google for Fox or “the times” or something along those lines.