A few days ago
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A Biology question. Need help…?

What are the 3 types of bonds seen in chemical compounds. Show them using examples. Use electronic configurations whenever possible.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

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Covalent Bond – electron is “shared” between atoms (can be a single electron or several).

Ionic Bond – bond based on electrostatic forces between two ions (electron(s) are “stolen” by one atom, causing both atoms to develop opposite charges, and they are attracted to one another). Think table salt, NaCl.

Hydrogen Bond – this can be within a molecule or between two different molecules. Basically, one of the hydrogen atoms of the molecule has a slight positive charge because it’s bonded (usually covalently) to another atom that is pulling the electron away from the hydrogen. So the slightly positively charged hydrogen is attracted to a slightly negatively charged atom elsewhere. There are no electrons shared or stolen between the two atoms with the hydrogen bond. This is seen in water (H20)