A few days ago
Soccer Girl ♥

a/7-5/7=6/7 how do u do this??? HELP MATH!!!?

a/7-5/7=6/7 my friend got the answer but i have no idea how to get the answer… please help websites? in order in steps!! please… appreciate all answers!!

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

multiply every number by 7 to get rid of the fractions.

you get a-5=6



A few days ago
More than likely you would multiply the whole side by 7 so you may be able to get whole numbers. a/7-5/7=6/7 —–> a-5=6. then you would just add 5 to both sides so u can get the variable A by its self. A-5=6 —-> A=11. then plug it back in to check ur answer. if u need step by step email me at [email protected]

A few days ago
Zeke S
what they are looking for is the value of “A”. In order to find the value, you have to work backwards. You know the end value is 6/7, so add your subtrahend (5/7). when you do this you get your mystery value: 11/7