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It is against the law for anyone between the ages of six and sixteen to not attend school. However, there are some exceptions through excused absences, home school, etc. Even if you miss just one class period without an excuse, you are considered truant.
If you miss school a lot (5 days, unexcused) you are considered to be habitually truant (ARS 15-803). An attendance officer can enforce this law. The officer can give you a ticket requiring you and a parent to appear before an official of the court. (ARS 15-805) If you are habitually truant you could be put on probation, have your driver’s license taken away, or have to attend counseling or educational classes. (ARS 8-323)
Truancy Mediation – Truancy Mediation services focus on utilizing the courts and the schools to find out why the student is missing classes and what can be done to correct the problem. As always, this process is confidential and looks at whether family problems, learning difficulties or other conflicts are contributing factors to the student’s truancy.
The School Resource Officer Program originated in 1983 through the use of a federally funded grant. This grant allowed two elementary school districts, Creighton School District and Isaac School District, located within the City of Phoenix to have an officer assigned exclusively to their schools to investigate reports of child abuse and enforce the State of Arizona Truancy Laws. The SRO Program was assigned within the Community Relations Bureau.
During the three- year period of the grant, the truancy rate at the participating schools was reduced by 73 percent. The number of child abuse/neglect reports increased by an overwhelming 187 percent. With the officers present on campus, criminal acts were immediately investigated with arrests and referrals made when appropriate. Furthermore, it is presumed that the very presence of the officers on campus prevented many criminal acts.
The grant expired in 1986 and both originating school districts elected to maintain the program for the next school year. Both districts entered into contractual agreements with the City of Phoenix that required each to reimburse the city for 75 percent of each officer’s yearly salary (including benefits) in exchange for assigning officers to a particular school(s) during the nine- month school year. The remaining 25 percent was paid by the city.
Today the School Resource Officer Program has grown to include 95 officers and 11 sergeants serving 23 school districts.
In 1997, in an effort to meet the unique needs of each school district, make the police department more responsive to the schools, and enhance the relationship between the SRO’s and regular patrol officers, the School Resource Officers were decentralized from the Community Relations Bureau to the Patrol Division.
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