A few days ago

whats the cheapest homeschooling program out there?

and im talking no more than 600-700 dollars a year.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

For an actual full service program, meaning your children would be enrolled in an umbrella school, you won’t find anything quality for under $1000.

But to homeschool your children an umbrella school is not necessary (depending on your state requirements, of course).

$700 for a curriculum (as opposed to a program) is, as others have said, quite generous and gives you many options.

You could pull a curriculum together for a lot less than that. Here’s a typical year for me:

Math: Saxon, free as a swap from a friend. Used at a homeschool bookstore: $35, new, $75

History: teaching in chronological order, purchased resources, $30, actual materials, library and internet, free

Grammar: easy grammar, teacher edition and workbook, used $20, new $45

Writing: Writing Strands, new $25

Science: Abeka, used (with text, lab manual, teacher manual, test and quiz booklet and key) $20 used

Geography, US: resources, $10 internet and library, free.

Very easy to do.

One year I purchased Lifepacs for both children (except I used another set of free Saxon books for my daughter for math and Abeka for Biology at $20). Some of the subjects I was able to purchase used at my homeschool bookstore (no writing in them) for $30 each and the ones I had to buy new were $45. Spent under $300 for both

So, if you have the resources, and you are connected to other homeschool families through co-ops and support groups you can find wonderful deals.

There are even discount websites, like pennywiselearning.com that offer discounts on new materials.


5 years ago

A few days ago
That is a very luxurious budget, really. For our family of 3 homeschooled kids I spend maybe $400. I answered another similar question from another mom, so look at my profile for that one, that may help you find something you like.

Now, there is one program that’s archaic by our standards, but it would get a child through the basics. It’s called A2 and the website is http://www.accelerated-achievement.com/ Many people would find this one to be very outdated, but I did order a preview CD from the company for $3 and the whole program is only $99 for K-12 for all your kids. You print all the books or read them on the computer screen. For those who like “Bob Jones” and “Staff and Rod” curricula, this may be a good option. I chose not to go with this series because I was looking for something a little more….. colorful. Not fluffy and feel good, but something that would hold my kids’ attention and be fun for me to teach. Again, check my other note to the other reader for what we use, it was quite lengthy and I don’t want to post it again here.


A few days ago
That is a very liberal budget for any regular home school curriculum.

Depending on the grade level a complete set from A to Z should be no more than about $200.00


Unless you have to buy supplies like a microscope, telescope, or other expensive additions I would see no reason why it should be so expensive.

Use the local libraries, free web sites, and book give aways for additional resources.

Piecing a curriculum together over time, and only buying, or maybe borrowing the books you needs is another inexpensive option.


A few days ago
ChristianBook.com is having a sale on Switched on Schoolhouse right now. It’s a computer based curriculum.


We are using Landmark’s Freedom Baptist Curriculum this year. It’s $38 per subject, so for the whole set of 6 subjects, it would be $228, and the shipping is free if you order $150 or more … http://www.landmarkbaptistchurch.org/modules/lfbc/htmls/lfbc_ordering.htm


A few days ago
Thrice Blessed
I wish I had that much to spend….

Anyway, if you are doing it alone and not signing on to a virtual school or correspondence school, you can pretty much take your pick for 600-700 dollars a year.

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A few days ago
If you want to go the cheapest route, you need to make your own curriculum. But I would look at Abeka and Calvert.

A few days ago
Time for Learning ~ 50 bucks a month easy peasy work – took me 5 months to do my 8th grade school year so you do the math

A few days ago
Well for high school there is Penn Foster that coast $900 for all four years of high school.

I’m not sure what grade level you are looking for.


A few days ago
A library card and a lot of self determination.