A few days ago

online vs. traditional psychology class?

What do people do in the psychology online class usually compared to the traditional? Any opinions or help would be appreciated. im trying to pick between the two….

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Traditional – You get to take notes from an instructor.

You get to ask questions

You get to hear other questions

You get to interact with your fellow students

Online – You can set your own study hours

If you like reading better than listening to a professor

If time and travel is a problem

I finished grad school. I have taken online courses and learned a lot from them. I still like the classroom better. Either way, you will likely make the same grade and learn what you need to know.


A few days ago
If you find that you learn better directly from a someone then on your own while reading a book then I would say take the class the traditional way. If your ok with learning things from a book and understanding them then take an online course.

In my opinion Psyhcology is a pretty indepth kind of course that I would probably take in a class room. I’ve taken online course before and I’ve found out that I perfer the in class course much better. But it’s something you need to decide on your own. Best way to do that is to ask yourself what kind of learner you are. Good luck.


5 years ago
i took an online class for US History, when you start itz a lil bit hard after the first week you will get used to the system. Expect a lot of reading. i did take American government in class recently it wasnt easy and it wasnt hard either. classroom is fun and the teachers are around to explain better but online classes aint nobody watching you could research while taking tests and quizzez if you smart or get things quik u gon make an “A” like me, i had a 94 on American government and a “92” in US history. good luck though