A few days ago

how can i convince my parents to let me do independent study?

and how do i approach them about it? some of my friends are in it, and my parents think that’s the reason i want to do it.. any suggestions?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Tell them what your issues are in school.

Pace, nature of the work, whatever. Draw up two lists; parents love lists.

The first one will be your school list. Pros and cons. Then do the same for your independent study list.

Generally, staying on top of your chores and schoolwork is the best way to convince your parents that you can handle a change.

My sister wanted to go to Africa and rebuild villages, but she couldn’t -and still can’t- keep her room straight and forgets to feed her bird.

Show a baseline of responsibility, keep bitching at them about it, and you’ll probably see results.


A few days ago
how have your grades been in the regular school? Maybe they are concerned about that. Online schools are not what a lot of people think. They are very challenging, and you still have the same amount of work. There are many different types of independent studying out there. Not too many are free, unless you go with a charter online school, which is not independent study. Some online schools have a 30-day money back guarantee. Maybe you could convince your parents to let you try one or two courses at a time, why’ll you are at school and see how that goes. It’s better than nothing and maybe you will both learn stuff you never thought of before. Good luck! Try keystonehighschool.com …..they are #1!!

A few days ago
That’s what a College Masters program is about

But you have to do it for real and do it acceptably.

Do it so the College Department will be impressed with your research and conclusions.

It’s unschooling you are talking about

But is has to be done right

Unschooling in XBOX is NOT VALID

Unschooling in Visual Basic NET is valid if you produce programs that are unique and original

If you can discuss ODBC, ADO, RDO, DAO with MIT people, then your work is valid and good

If I left you in the dust, you are just looking for an excuse to goof off!


A few days ago
What’s the study about?.

A few days ago
it’s tempting to be able to sleep in and go to school whenever you feel like it, but having a real live teacher and having connections proves to be invaluable later on. yes, it is nice not to have to worry so much about strict schedules and getting things turned in on a certain date, but it gets lonely very quickly.

for me, I hated being homeschooled. I guess it’s a matter of wanting what you don’t have.