A few days ago

Students, do you love or hate powerpoint presentations?

Students, do you love or hate powerpoint presentations?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I love powerpoint presentations. They are sooooo much fun to do or even watch because they make the topic that much more interesting. You can add cool features like patterens or anamation.

A few days ago
I think that this is a hard question to answer because you didn’t specify whether the students are making powerpoint presentations or watching them.

Making them: It completely depends on the grade–middle school through junior high age, it might still be fun. There are tons of creative things they can do with the words and hte pictures. However high school age kids and college students aren’t going to be too impressed with this assignment. First off, we’re way too computer saavy for this to be a challenge. Second, if we get bored with it we will either give up and turn in something crappy or find something funny and quite possibly unrelated to incorporate in it.

Watching them: For all students below high school, this can be a bore. Unless you teach something like history, where there are lots of dates and facts, these aren’t really necessary for younger kids. For high school age and up, they can be very helpful. One, they bring a new element to the classroom and it is something they can see, rather than just listening to someone lecture all the time. Two, it is very helpful with notetaking as the teacher can use it to highlight the most important information. This is another reason why it shouldn’t be used for younger students–note taking is not as big of a factor in their education yet—they need more hands on tools to engage them.


A few days ago
It depends on the topic that they are for. Although PowerPoints are fun to do, it’s a fun on occasion thing, don’t assign all projects to be powerpoints, students should be able to do many different kinds of projects to make them well rounded in the way they research and present information.

A few days ago
I think there a useful educator tool as long as there to the point, not drawn out, or boring. Ive seen some killer Powerpoint Presentations, and Ive seen some real yawners too that were boring, and not catcy to the viewer

A few days ago
As a student, I don’t really mind making them. They’re fast and effective.

However, I hate when teachers use powerpoints. Most of the time they’re done awfully, bad font/colors, information is given too fast or too slow, they seem to drag on forever, etc.


A few days ago
All last year in Psychology, all the teacher did was put up Power points and made us copy them down. Everyone complained and now no one takes the subject. However this year, we have a new teacher and she makes the power points neat little chunks of inofrmation that she presents as well as making us do active learning- using playdough to make structures of the brain etc, which is excellent as it really helps us to remember facts.

Power points are helpful if used in the right way- the teacher must explain using their voice and skills rather than relying on the computer i suppose.


A few days ago
Hate them, but it’s becoming sort of a necessary evil to learn how to do them and tolerate profs that love to use them! I can’t think of anything more boring than looking at 50 slides every class lecture! We usually get a print out, so I don’t bother paying attention (despite being a straight A student and knowing I should!).

A few days ago
Ziggy Stardust
I don’t care much for any type of computer projects since not everyone owns a computer or a printer or the right programs to get the project done.

If you happen to not own any of the required materials it is extremely difficult to get the project done.

That’s why I prefer poster boards or other types of presentations.


A few days ago
Dogna M
Hi, I personaly love them. I think they are more oranized and catch the attention of a student better. I use them for projects too.

They are creative and very helpful. The words are clear and so are the pictures.


A few days ago
Baton Twirler
I absolutely LOVE them!! I love working with the computer. It’s fun to find cool ways to present the information. You can be so creative!