A few days ago

Does being on welfare make you more likely to get student financial aid?

when you fill out the application for federal financial aid for college it asks if you or anyone in your household have ever been on welfare. Does this make you more or less likely to get more aid?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

it *definitely* helps. however needy you can prove you are, the more money they’ll provide you.

A few days ago
Richard H
I am on Supplimental Security Income (a form of Welfare), and the state of California has a financial aid program just for people on SSI and a couple of other welfare programs that waives the tuition fees for students at community colleges. It depends on what state you live in.

A few days ago
Phyllis C
Depends, If you answer Yes they will check you out very carefully to make sure your not trying to scam the system. If you actually are it may help but probably not that much because most Financial aid will require some sort of payback either in money or time.

A few days ago
Indirectly yes. If you are on welfare it means you don’t have much money. And the less money you have, the more federal money you can get.

A few days ago
princess t
it will definitly help u then it will make it a more likely chance 4 u to get

A few days ago
Yes it will help immensely.