Annotated bibliography: Real Estate and Technological Advances

Croome (1990) The impact of technological innovation on the construction industry. The Journal of CIB;-174–182

It discusses the contribution of technology in construction industry and what more can be achieved from technology. Although construction industry is fragmented; there is need for incorporating innovation and technology. To use technology in the industry there is need for good education background. The education should ensure technical capabilities that enable better testing on new systems and their impact on the users. The key objective is to performance, quality and durability of the structures.

Advancement in information technology has brought impact on the construction. Information technology is bringing impact through the use of computer aided design (CAD), automation of site and new material in the industry. However more effort is needed in considering building materials as a total and in considering the effects of these materials on human beings. Determining the impact of the materials to human beings is very critical in construction industry today. Other important issues to be considered by the designers is how the new technology promote communication, innovation, environmental quality, personal control and the basic human needs. Other issues important to construction industry are building maintenance, pollution, conservation and decentralization control

Building Research Board (1988) Electronically Enhanced Office Buildings. Washington, D.C:- National Academy Press.

It addresses the impact of electronic advancement in designing office buildings. The advancement in electronics has brought sophisticated systems. These systems call for new design demands on the structures. These demands include spaces for cables, secure, reliable and uninterrupted source of power. Other design issues to be considered are structural loads to support computers; different heating and cooling systems; and lighting and acoustic issues. In

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addition the design should take to consideration flexibility of the office.

Taking to consideration of needs above designers take a unique approach. The designer should take to consideration the buildings mission and the technological requirement. A multidisciplinary design committee should be involved. In the construction schedule the designer should include a commissioning period. Diagnostic techniques should be employed as part of commissioning and construction stage of the construction project. In addition a permanent post-occupancy evaluation (POE) evaluation team should be established as a facet of the building management structure. To be included in the team is a facility manager, a personnel manager and an information technology manager

Jacobus (2005) Real Estate Principle;-Cengage Learning;

The book addresses the basic principles of Real estates and the career in Real estate management. It addresses real estate a subject. Real estate is a unique subject and has sprawled complex legal theories and very unique facts. The fact situations in real estate are not similar. It addresses the areas that are associated with real estate and its dynamic nature by addressing the influence of technology advancement in building industry and in management of the real estates. Technology advancement in all area of real estate industry has led real estate practice to a level of competition and efficiency. Many areas associated with real estate are addressed. In land development, the book both past and new way and factors concerned on land development. It also considers the influence of technological advancement in the development. Under urban planning, the modern factors considered in urban planning are addressed. It addresses the need for prior planning and anticipating growth in urban planning.

The careers in evolved bin the estate industry are addressed. These career practices have evolved out of the influence of technology. Architecture and other designer use computer aided design. The use of technology in the design and constructions in real estate industry enable better designs, faster and more firm buildings and conservation of building materials. This, on the overall, has lead to cost cutting and higher profit to the industry.

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Thrall (2002) Real Estate Information Technology:- Journal of Real Estate Literature,pp297-303;

It features on the real estate information technology and advancement on these technologies. It addresses the research and education made in this area. The new research to improve the use of technology in real estate ids addressed. The influence of the advancement in education in real estate industry is addressed. The expected future advancement and influence of information technology on this industry examined. The current practice in real estate, as a result of advancement in technology is addressed.

It also provides data sources for area in real estate industry. For example the data sources for aging are provided. This data sources are important for tracking the demographic shift of the population and the influence of this to real estate. The data on the technological option available to real estate stake holders in made available.

Benjamin, Chiloy (2006) Technological Innovation in Real Estate Brokerage:-Journal of Real Estate Research;

This paper addresses the benefits attained by adopting technological innovation in the area of real estate brokerage. It estimates those benefits attained when a house is placed in the market. It addresses the benefits of such innovation such as installation of a lockbox on the front door fro sake of security. Use of technology to increase showing and reducing communication time is featured. It also estimates the influence of the inno0vation on the selling price and selling time of the house. It also provides real estate developers with factors to consider before deciding on the king of technology to include.

Innovations in real estate lead to increase in the price of houses. By taking consideration of the modern technological advancement, the real estate developer able to put up building that will

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serve not only the current needs but also the future needs of their occupants. It provides a guideline on how the real estate investor can take advantage of technological advancement and how they can be prepared for future challenges.

Klein, Reilly (2003) Real Estate Technology Guide;-Dearborn Real Estate

The use of technology in Real estate leads to increase of profit to the stakeholders in the field. The professionals in the industry reduce their design and implantation time. It provides the real estates agents with tips on how they can evaluate their use of technology in their practice. It addressed how the real estate agents can gain from making their presence on the internet. The embracement of technology in the real estate can lead to cutting the cost of practice. The use of internet would make the agent access higher market and allow the potential buyer sample through the product presented through the internet.

It addresses the process of communication between all parties to the real estate industry. How communication using advanced technology is done by the seller, buyer to licensee, buyer and seller, and seller to lender can be effected. Communication in the new era would determine whether a stakeholder would be successful or not.

Change in technology have changed how consumer search for the products they want. This has been influenced even in the real estate industry and thus real estate stake holder should change as well. The change in communication have also influence how communication is done to the real estate professionals and other participants in the purchase process. With the use of internet, the customers have a variety of product to evaluate. The real estate agents have to be updated and aggressive so as to counter the stiff competition.

Travi (2001) Advanced technologies: building in the computer age:- Birkhauser;

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The progressive advancement in the use of technology in the building industry is addressed. The advancement has been in the gradual application of artificial intelligence inside the buildings. The construction industry and technical systems have experienced revolution over time. Compared with the past design and construction today have been advanced by embracing modern and efficient way of building, cheap and better materials and better and easier controls.

The major technological advancement is the integration system approach. This process consist not only linking cables but aim at enabling and boosting the interaction of apparatus and devices. This apparatus may range fro personal computer to the heating system. This integration has enabled centralized control and efficient communication.

There are two divisions of building automation though which similar systems are installed but in different way. The categories are building automation and home automation. Building automation involves construction that involves many people and usually for business and corporate while home automation is generally lesser and aimed for homes. Building and home automation integrate all the stake holder and make building and construction easier and cost efficient.