Source: Template by (Heinz, 2008)


My great great grandparents are John and Mary; Born in the late 1800s in a village in Tehran. They were married through the traditional culture in the year 1925. Unfortunately passed away in the year 1960 after their house was burnt during the fight for independence.

Genealogy Tree

They were peasants and survived on growing crops on subsistence basis but in the event that there was an excess Mary would sell them in the market, for the extra cash. They were not educated did not attend any school since it was at the colonial times and schools were only for the whites. They were blessed with three children Paul, Mary and Peter; Paul being the oldest.


Paul was born in the year 1926 in a small village in Iran. They got married to Sarah in the year 1949. They were blessed with four children; Mathew, Cyprian, Esther and Patrick.

My great grand parents also engaged in faming as there main activity, but they were also involved with fishing. The fish captured was smoked and sold. Paul was also involved in blacksmith were he could mold sculptures from metal and stone.

They did not attend any school but the basics on speaking and writing were learnt from the colonialists. My great grand parents had a farm which they grew wild fruits and crops which was passed down the generation to my grand parents.

Genealogy Tree


The grand father was born in 1958 in a village in the Iran; He was named after his uncle, Cyprian. Attended school in late 1960s and despite the poverty was able to go through to the University in the early 80s. He studied Veterinary medicine and started working for the government soon after.

He got married to Cecily in the year 1985, who had studied teaching and was working in a primary school then. Cyprian and Cecily were blessed with three children Henry, Christine and Roy. Henry is my elder brother born in the year 1986. He has studied Information Technology. He is a very hardworking person. He got married to his Yvonne in the year 2007, and they have been blessed with two beautiful daughters, Shelley and Ashley. Shelley is the eldest. They are the youngest in our family tree.

My name is Christine was born in the year 1988. I have studied Commerce in a reputable university.

My father, has been of great impact in my life, he gas continually been the source of my encouragement with the assistance of my mother. He has tried to the best of his ability to take me to the best of schools in the country and has taught me to be the best person I can be no matter the circumstances and to never give up.

Genealogy Tree


The above exercise has impacted positively to me. It has helped me feel connected to my immediate and extended family and given me a sense of belonging.

It has also shown me the trend from generations to generations and how life has progressed from the early days to what we are today.

I am also encouraged to enquire for more information about my background especially those very early days of my great grandparents in order to know where exactly am from in greater details. (Mills, 2003)


The term genealogy was derived from a Greek word that meant knowledge of the generations. Genealogists study generations by doing research using the available information on a certain group of people and represent it in a tree known as the genealogy tree. The genealogy tree indicates kinship and continues to show membership. It is different from family tree.

Genealogy Tree


Carolyn Brown Heinz, (2008) field notes: 1st lesson with the Genealogist. Department of Anthropology, California State University, Chico.

Elizabeth Shown Mills, (2003): Genealogy in the Information Age: History’s New Frontier.

National Genealogical Society.

Genealogy Tree